Aligning investments to the Paris Agreement: what does it mean for Swiss investors?


27.04.2021, 10:00 Uhr



Responsible Investor Switzerland

Migros Pensionskasse will be sharing best practices, one of the only pension funds to do relatively well in the climate ranking of pension funds (

Registration for the event:

  • How aligned are Swiss investors to Paris, what needs to be done, and how realistically can it be achieved and over what timeframe?

  • What lessons can Swiss investors take from the second round of the government-backed PACTA (Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment) tests?

  • How should carbon data be used by Swiss investors? Does decarbonising portfolios have an impact on the real economy?

  • Which finance instruments/products/assets work best for low carbon investment returns: how and why?


  • Sabine Döbeli, CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance

  • Stephan Bereuter, Head Portfolio Management Bonds, Migros Pensionskasse

  • Silvia Ruprecht, Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Office for the Environment


Ivo Knoepfel, Founder and Managing Director, onValues